Mayberg Foundation Core Investments

The Mayberg Foundation is dedicated to proliferating Jewish wisdom and values in the contemporary world. We are a family foundation with operating and grantmaking programs reflecting a high impact, entrepreneurial approach to philanthropy.

Some of our core grant investments include:

  AISH uplifts and inspires people to live more thoughtful, spiritual, and impactful lives through learning and sharing timeless Jewish wisdom.
  AIEF provides grants to support select educational programs including Middle East research, educational materials and conferences, and leadership programs for university students.
  Hadar's Pedagogy of Partnership provides a comprehensive Jewish educational model that trains educators to bring Torah to the next generation through the power of havruta.
    Jewish Education Innovation Challenge (JEIC)*  brings together educators, funders, influencers and consumers to pursue lasting school culture change through innovation, experimentation, and collaboration.
    Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC) creates a movement of vibrant Jewish life among emerging adults aged 18 to 30 through transformative leadership development, innovative educational programming, and meaningful engagement opportunities.
    Lifnai Vlifnim develops the spiritual inner world of students and adults, deepening connection by transforming relationships with: yourself; others; a community; Torah and God.
    Momentum Unlimited empowers women to change the world through Jewish values that transform ourselves, our families, and our communities.
    MyZuzah* believes in connecting and protecting all Jews by putting a mezuzah on the front door of every Jewish home.
    STAMP: The STa”M Project* restores transparency and reliability to the field of STa”M (Sifrei Torah, Tefillin, Mezuzos and Megllios).
    Thank Israeli Soldiers supports initiatives that embrace, educate, and empower the brave young men and women who serve Israel throughout their service and into civilian life, to help create a stronger and more unified society.

 *Denotes Mayberg Foundation operating program